So after a long blog hiatus (I’ve had a pretty intense travel and shooting schedule the last few months!) I’m incredibly excited to blog again, and its even more special and exciting to share this post because not only are Niki & Aaron fabulous clients with amazing taste and a beautiful wedding, but they are dear friends to me and my husband!

Such a gorgeous couple, and just as sweet in person!  Congrats you two!!!

And thanks to Rachel Hart for being an amazing second shooter and contributing to this blog post!  :)

Keep checking back for more to come from my shoots over the last few months and from my travels…more posts in the next few days!  :)

I absolutely adore this neckalce by Like A Fox, and I love featuring her jewelry on my blog!

8 Responses to “Niki & Aaron – Lakeland, FL Wedding Photographer”

  1. This wedding is gorgeous! Where was it located?

  2. Niki says:

    Thank you, thank you, thank you, Tina!!! We had so much fun working with you, and I can’t stop looking at these pictures. You are AMAZING! I love you!

  3. admin says:

    Way out on Hwy 98, I think it was called J&M Ranch

  4. Hi Tina- gorgeous work, stunning! Florida is lucky to have you back- you are missed in Ireland.

  5. Julie says:

    Ummm…I have never been so jealous! I am stunned by your work yet again. Now the pressure is on.

  6. Philip says:

    Is that Aaron Marsh from Copeland? Sweet pics!

  7. Couldnt agree more with that, very attractive article

  8. Laura says:

    Tina- any idea if it was a private property or if it operates as a venue? I would love to show it to a current bride..

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